

Topic: Barbecues & Grills

Date Posted: Thursday, December 19, 2013
Posted by: Judy Walker (Master Admin)

Benefits of Wood Pellet Stoves

With rising oil prices and energy costs, this winter is the perfect opportunity to try something new to keep yourself warm and toasty. You must have heard about wood pellet stoves from friends and family, but you may not be aware of the benefits of using these stoves. So here are a few benefits that will convince you why you should invest in these stoves this winter.

Hassle-Free Heating

These stoves are easy to operate and do not require frequent loading. When you install it, you will realize that loading it once a day is more than enough to keep the fire going all day long. Your home will be warm and cozy. Also, the loading of pellets is extremely easy. All you have to do is pull out the hopper of the stove and then pour in the pellets. You do not require to waste energy carting logs or using muscle strength to put in the pellets.  

A Smoke-Free Home

Imagine having a fireplace and forgetting to get the chimney cleaned before onset of winter. You will end up smoking your entire house and covering all items with soot. That is quite unpleasant and not to forget the expense you will have getting your home cleaned. With wood pellet stoves, there is no emission of smoke or soot. So you never have to worry about smoking out the room or dealing with nasty odors.

Safe Heating

One of the worries about having an indoor or outdoor fire is burning. You can burn down your house or yard if the fire is not supervised. This is one worry you will not face with a pellet stove, as it has virtually no external heat. You can easily place the stove close to a wall without worrying about a fire breaking out in your home. The fact that there is no risk of burns, make the pellet stove ideal for homes with pets and kids. You also can use the stove to heat up your patio and deck if you want. For many people, this is an important feature, as they do not like spending all their time locked indoors during winter months.  

High Heating Efficiency

Pellet stoves tend to have higher efficiency rating compared to electric and gas stoves, which usually have a maximum heating efficiency of around 75 percent. You will enjoy a heating efficiency of 85 percent, which is really high.

Even Heat Distribution

Many homes suffer from uneven heating, with some parts of the rooms (those far away from the fire) being cold, while others parts being oppressively warm. Now, you can enjoy even and constant heat distribution, so that every part of the room is nice and cozy. The best part is that you can invest in a stove with a thermostat and this will allow you to adjust the heat setting based on your comfort level.

Environmentally-Friendly Heating

If you are environmentally conscious and want to reduce your carbon footprints, you should definitely opt for wood pellet stoves. The pellets used in these stoves are manufactured using sawdust, which is considered an organic waste in lumberyards and wood mills. Furthermore, the stoves burn cleanly, as they do not emit high levels of pollutants unlike other heating appliances. Also, the pellets tend to burn completely, so they do not produce a lot of waste.

These are the main benefits of wood pellet stoves. So, what is not there to love these stoves? Also, let’s not forget the cost saving, as the pellets are pretty inexpensive. While you may have to bear the brunt of a sizable investment to buy the stove, you can rest assured knowing that the stove will pay for itself in a few short months based on the savings you will enjoy when heating your home. 

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