Topic: Outdoor Accessories
Date Posted: Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Posted by: Judy Walker (Master Admin)
Outdoor Audio Systems - Speakers of the House
ACCORDING to Beethoven, music can change the world. And even if you’re not blasting his Ninth Symphony, he was right — especially when it comes to the world in your own backyard. Fortunately, installing an outdoor stereo system is easy.
First things first, though: Don’t buy a regular stereo and put it outdoors.
Instead, buy weatherproof speakers specifically made to be outside. These are sold through various stores and online companies — and you don’t have to settle for boxy black eyesores. These days, speakers come in whimsical shapes like rocks, fish, frogs and angels, or just painted green to blend into the bushes and trees.
When placing them, consider not only where you will be sitting, but also where your neighbors will be. “Someone might think putting the speakers near the house facing out to the backyard is a good solution,” said Michael Alpert, president of Nantucket Media Systems, an audio-video design and installation company. “But that will carry over to the next house. A good solution is to put speakers on the perimeter of your property and face them toward the house.” That way, he said, you get good sound coverage, and the people next door don’t get angry.
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