

Topic: Water Features

Date Posted: Friday, January 17, 2014
Posted by: Judy Walker (Master Admin)

Pool Cover Solutions are Crucial for Winter

By properly closing your swimming pool before winter sets in, you can save a great deal of time and money when you reopen it in the spring time.

You should close your pool with a winter pool cover as soon as the temperatures begin to drop. This will ensure that the pool is protected from freeze damage. Before closing the pool you need to adjust the pH and calcium hardness. Balancing these factors is essential to protect the pool from scale buildup or corrosion over the winter. You should ideally make these adjustments 4-5 days before you shut down the pool.

There are several benefits of using winter pool covers.

  • Pool covers retain a higher water temperature and hence they help extend the swimming season.
  • They keep dirt, leaves, and other debris out and preserve clean water.
  • They reduce the risk of accidents and also prevent unwanted visitors from using your pool.
  • They protect the pool from extreme winter conditions.

Winter pool covers come in various styles and price ranges. Of course, the standard 'tarp' style covers are the most widely used pool covers. However, they are not the best. In fact, many pool owners are upgrading to a more permanent 'security' style swimming pool covers. Tarp covers, though widely used, are poor pool covers. They don't last more than 2-3 years and also require a pump on top to keep water off.

When it comes to 'permanent' winter pool covers, there are mainly two options - solid vinyl covers and mesh covers. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Here is a quick overview.

Advantages of mesh covers

Mesh covers usually cost much less than solid vinyl pool covers. Actually there is a price difference of $200-$600 between these two varieties.

Despite being the cheaper of the two, mesh covers last longer than solid vinyl covers. The average life span of a mesh cover is 10 - 15 years. Solid vinyl covers may last 7 - 11 years.

When you use mesh covers, you do not have to place a pump on top because these types of covers let the water pass through.

Mesh covers are light-weight. You can easily take them on and off. Solid vinyl covers, on the other hand, cannot be taken off that easily.

Advantages of a solid pool cover

Solid pool covers do not let sunlight pass through. As a result, they prevent the growth of algae.

Solid covers also prevent water from outside entering the pool. They will keep your pool water clean. This clean water requires very little vacuuming, brushing and chemicals when you reopen the pool in spring.

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